Dear Sirs,
In several years ago I brought your Product FAAC Metal Digikey in your distributor in Indonesia of PT. Universal Workshop of Public Media. But now that company was moved and I loosed the contact, now I need your product again of Digikey, did you have a new product of that ? if have would you please to send us your catalogue and price list ? You can send it to my address :
PT. Dar Al-Kutub Al-Islamiyah
Jl. Kalibata Timur I No. 21
Jakarta 12740
Tel : 62-21-797 4245 / Fax : 62-21-797 4247
or by email : dkislamiyah@cbn.net.id
Thank you of your kind attention and good cooperation.
Best Regards
Ahmad Idrus Hud
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